2022 is almost here. Why are you here?

So why are you here?

No why are you on this forum?

Is it to discuss music?

Is it to discuss equipment and how to optimize your system?

Is it to meet new people and share ideas and well yes opinions?

I know those are the reasons I came to this forum. My favorite section is “What’s on your turntable tonight”. I also enjoy sharing my experiences in audio and well life so far.

Things I do not care for but come in an ecosystem like this are:

Posts that get hijacked.

People who politicize a post and everything is a right wing, or an alt left conspiracy.

Dealers that post to hawk their wares and services.

Boisterous bloviating blowhards’ that everything they do, own, and think is the best and you are schitt.

Personal attacks (I am guilty and will admit it)

I am right and you can not prove me wrong, so I am right. Tweaks are BS show me the DATA. Condemnation of a tweak or performance upgrade formulated on opinion, not science or trial and error.

There are a few only a few that are here just to be disrupters that pounce on posts by certain individuals looking for the opportunity to make them look the fool or extremist. So, it all goes back to the original question.

Why are you here?

I despise New Years resolutions and I am not going to make one here for 2022. I will say that if a post gets flushed down the political crapper I will move on. If the zoomer’s (thanks nonoise for that phrase) hit the thread, then the thread is dead to me. 

My goal in 2022 is to avoid conflict unless it is on the ice.

Love to hear form you all and Happy New Year!



Mercy, a pandemic of dueling. I choose rocks as my weapon of choice and of course a speedo with an eye patch and a knee brace, just in case. I can hobble away if all else fails.. Maybe have my second bring some Bengay, a warm towel, oxygen and then a joint.

Happy New Year..


I originally joined to check out other peoples systems, and to see what everyone was listening to on the “What’s on my turntable” forum.   Once I switched to streaming, the forum “What Are You Streaming Tonight” was my go-to for music recommendations.   

As for the Catholic hockey players out there…JESUS SAVES! ESPOSITO SCORES ON THE REBOUND!


Just kidding..Bobby Orr is the GOAT.

@16f4 We all know the greatest Esposito was in Chicago, Tony RIP.

All kidding aside My Dad played Juniors with the Tony, Phil and Chico and Wayne Maki.  Sault Ste Marie and the surrounding area had and has a lot of hockey talent.

I am excluded from that group.

Loved those days and the original 6.

I was aware there was “the other Esposito” growing up…barely.   Grew up in Danvers, literally a stones throw from the Bruins training center.  My dad played through college, but my interests leaned more towards music and blowing things up flying.