What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?

When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?


@STEAKster! I was going to respond to your comments, then I saw your OFFENSIVE and 100% IGNORANT username! I am 36 years VEGETARIAN, now VEGAN. I am also a HERMIT because I REFUSE to support our SATANIC SLAUGHTERhouse society. I also KNOW that many of you on this type of forum trend towards NARCISSISM, and DO NOT CARE. I'm also an ex-hockey player who still trains regularly, NOT one of those WIMPY liberal, commie girly-men vegans. I could have chosen to IGNORE this, and kept QUIET, but my CONSCIENCE will not allow that. 


Some times a TURD float to the top. Flush twice and call your doctor in the morning..


Hello Ted Denny! Happy Holidays!  You have listed the items inthe correct order. Interconnects first, fuses last. Enjoy the Music!

hi ted, may I confirm by your most recent post that your own order would generally begin with power cords? how would you rate the others after that, in this case, or correct my assumption, otherwise?

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