Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money?

It's really tiring. Audiophools, Snake Oil, why buy this/that. I don't give a rip what others do, although I like to read about it but none of my business. I'm just not geared that way. People want to buy a Lambo, 10,000 buck cables, 100,000 buck loudspeakers, it's no skin off my nose yet some people are obsessed with what others do. I don't get it. 


Ted has a business. Manufacturing stuff. Employs people. In exchange for salary. It’s called “business”. Capitalism 101. Deal with it. Or migrate to North Korea.

The success of a business, or lack thereof, depends on whether people buy the stuff. Again, capitalism 101. If you don’t like it, migrate to North Korea. See how that works out.

Capitalism 101 is college level. These people flunked out of kindergarten lemonade stand.

In a double-blind A/B test at normal listening levels most people would have a hard time distinguishing between LS50s and speakers that cost 100x as much.

This comment combination hash drink and lack experience. That speaker ok for canoe system but what you have company stock and want speaker upgrade? Merry Christmas to all good audiophile hope Santa good you.


@dill every one of them have done so by choice. That's the great thing about capitalism! If you are on this forum you have bought various pieces of equipment. You and you alone made the decision to buy what you did. It profited a lot of people if you consider everyone involved from conception to manufacture to sales and final delivery. Mutually beneficial, nothing forced. The more of this the better and the more and better options we will have and do have. How many models of Russian cars can you name? If some would have their way we would all be listening to Department of Entertainment for the Masses Bose Speaker Mfg. and watching our Curtis Mathes video interface.

Hey, I have no problem at all with Ted and his business, in fact I have owned some of his products. Please notice the smiley face, wink emoji. Sorry if my humor is not appreciated by all, it is not a new experience for me.