Guess How Big My Speakers Are

If you read any of my threads on here or looked at my virtual system you probably already know the answer to this question, but for those who have not, try this as a thought exercise. Given this plot alone how big a speaker do you think this is?

Frequency response plot showint extension to 20 Hz



  • 2’ from sides, 1.5’ from rear
  • Ported
  • Not horns
  • No EQ applied. This is the natural in room response using short sine sweeps.
  • For a living room this is a well treated room with GIK soffit traps, bass traps and diffusion panels strategically placed.

I’ll reveal my answer if we get 5 guesses or more. :)


What size shoes and gloves do you wear?

This will tell us how big your “speakers” are!

Looks like room bass node at 30hz.  

Given the flat response above 10khz, I'd say 3 way floorstanding speaker with 8 inch woofer.

@erik_squires yep, I recall another post of yours.  I've got the "Lee Taylor" version. I don't have the room to keep as far from the wall but have highly dampened the ports with fill.  Had good extension with subs so room may be behaving differently.   I was getting 80 to 90 hz blooms until I added some DIY Knauf based panels.  Now working with new Raven amp so I have option to run 80hz HP to them.  

@erik_squires yep, I recall another post of yours.  I've got the "Lee Taylor" version. I don't have the room to keep as far from the wall but have highly dampened the ports with fill.  Had good extension with subs so room may be behaving differently.   I was getting 80 to 90 hz blooms until I added some DIY Knauf based panels.  Now working with new Raven so I have option to run 80hz HP to them.