Is Room treatment different for Horn Speakers?

I've just recently purchased a set of Klipsch Cornwall lV's, however my room treatment was originally set up (by me) for KEF LS-50's. Are there any rules of thumb for Horn Speaker/forward ported loudspeakers?


I have a lot more listening to do before I go crazy. I think this is the 10th day of ownership.

I am remounting all the absorption panels with cleats and installing a continuous cleat across the back wall, so I can change them easily.

russ69- and that's why I bought them!๐Ÿ˜Š.. I wanted something that didn't have to be set so forward into the room.


Good question ... like every room the acoustic is a factor.

Again Low Freq will muddy everything but I think you are on track with diffusion / first reflection points and maybe a mix of diffusion / absorption on the back wall.

I think you have a relatively wide dispersion with the Horns.

@coachpoconnor You should be fine. If you experience any harshness, try toeing the speakers in a bit. The horns have controlled directionality, and so that can be used to minimize side wall reflections, which the ear interprets as harshness.


Because horn speakers have a higher direct-to-reverberant sound ratio due to their relatively narrow radiation pattern, you do not want to absorb any more of the reflected sound than you absolutely have to. As a general rule of thumb, I would start out with zero absorptive acoustic treatments. If your back is up against a wall then treat the area where that first backwall reflection comes from, but donโ€™t overdo it.ย  Too much absorption will suck the life out of the sound.

With some horn speakers, the optimum listening angle may be somewhat off-axis. Instead of pointing them almost straight ahead, you might try using aggressive toe-in, like 45 degrees, such that the axes criss-cross a couple of feet in front of the primary sweet spot. This will also give you good sound across a very wide listening area. You may need to spread the speakers a bit wider apart than normal if you do this.


horn speaker manufacturer