Dang it, I'm Deaf....

The worse thing that can happen to an audiophile, I'm totally deaf (technically profoundly deaf) in one ear. It all happened in about one year's time. My retirement plans for getting a huge statement system are gone with my hearing. So, I went ahead and got a cochlear implant but it is not the same as a hearing aid, it's a last resort for those that have no hearing. I can't use it when listening to music. Fortunately, my other ear is pretty good. So I experimented with my system today. I ended up with both loudspeakers about 3 feet apart and sort of favoring my bad side. It's working out pretty good. I get some hints of depth but of course no wide soundstage. I'm also experimenting with mono vs stereo. I've had the music on for most of the day.I think I'll still be able to enjoy my music but in a slightly different presentation. 

Anyway, I was wondering if anybody else with single sided hearing loss has any tips? 


....that video was amazing and touching...no pun intended at all...

My hearing...loss isn't correct, it's just Less than it was...and humbling in contrast...

It does want me to get my fingers on a ball just to try.....*s*

To all y'all who are searching for a happier ending, I wish one and all the best results you can be pleased to live with.


....the Dead....*!*  Who'd of thought?.....

At this point, I hope the band has left our solar system on 2 gold records.....;)

My hearing is fairly good, but when the room is very quiet, I hear a hiss- type of sound like white noise.  I only hear the hiss when it is very quiet — I turn on the TV or music and I don’t notice it so much.  I was thinking maybe this is just a normal part of getting older (I will be 67 next month) and I don’t know if there is anything that can be done to quiet the hiss.  I just count myself lucky if this is the worst I experience.


I have hyperacusis, which is the polar opposite of your condition. It's sensitivity to high frequencies that can cause migraine type pain.

Hyperacusis doesn't just manifest for high frequencies, as I unfortunately know from experience. In addition to tinnitus in my right ear (cochlear infection some years back), I have intermittent hyperacusis, which is apparently quite odd (but so am I). Doesn't normally bother me but when it does I can't listen to music (or anything else for that matter)  above normal speech loudness without causing pain. Sucks, but nothing near the order magnitude of the deafness the OP is afflicted with - All my sympathies on that ill fortune. 🙁

Getting old is not for the faint of heart apparently...

I've dealt with tinnitus and SHL in one ear. Fortunately steroids resolved that issue. I'm a professional musician so I've head to make adjustments working as well.

Hope you get some improvement.