Is a USB stick directly into ones streamer (renderer) better than streaming from a PC/NAS?

I have a cambridge Audio 851N which has a couple of USB slots, one of which is occupied by a small 32Gb USB 'stick' with some of my music on it.

I see a LOT, a huge amount of discussions going on re streamers/computers/NAS etc etc, and some spend thousands on these items. A LOT of money can be spent with expensive LPS and specially built computers, some also costing thousands, but WHY? Why, when one can dispense with the PC/NAS, rip off switches and their cables etc etc altogether and listen directly from a USB stick attached to a streamer, so no PC etc is required at all (for music playback).

Am I missing something here? Surely a USB memory stick (drive, whatever) costs almost nothing, as is connected directly to my streamer. I've no need to stream from my (expensive) PC or my NAS, with all the pitfalls that that entails. All I need to be powered up is the 851N and my power amp connected to my Maggie 1.7i's - bliss.

I don't use Tidal/Spotify or any of the other expensive sources, nor have any need for the rediculously over priced (IMO, I've not tried it) programs like Roon, as the USB stick does it all.

I've compared direct streaming from the USB stick with NAS and PC listening, both using 'good' cables and power supplies, and the direct USB input beats them both.


Srajan, over at 6moons, has found a SD card is the best way to listen since it leaves out the computer (with all it's noise), leaves out streaming (with all the various boxes, decrapifiers, cabling, etc.) and CD playback (spinning disks, vibrations and noise). 

It hasn't a fancy UI that one can go ooooh and ahhhh over but it's a time proven technology that's pristine in it's playback. You can make lots of files of music on a postage stamp size format, separated out any which way you want but you have to settle for the low tech readout and it limits playback options. Not a big sacrifice to make for great sound, or so he says.

I don't see why USB playback would differ unless one can get a better device optimized for it instead of what comes with an all in one integrated (not to knock your integrated but on most like that, it's more a convenience).

All the best,

Thanks, I agree - why spend a small fortune on expensive hardware that's not actually needed to get great sound. I understand my 'all in one' solution could be bettered, but again, at a massive increase in price.

The 6Moons 'thing' is another proprietery device, which is very expensive. Like the Roon machine, basically a PC in a fancy box with,,, blah blah blah inside, which I see as unecessarily overpriced.  If I had Thousands of $/£ to spend then it may be worth persuing, but these pieces of, basically, PC hardware, seem like a complete rip off to me, like Etthernet switches which can also cost thousands. The cheapest 'Audio' switches are about £500, and are based on c£40 switches, with very little done to the 'modded' version to warrant the huge increase in price!

There's a lot of bandwagon jumping on IMO.

Lots of things I'd invest money in before looking for an alternative.


Room acoustics, a comfortable couch... :)

Actually, the device that Srajan uses is a S.M.S.L. SD-9, which goes for around $400. It replaced a Soundaware that went south on him. I’ve read where is has some glitches with other features but the SD card reader part is a solid performer.

I have no financial interests: i just read this. For some reason, some here take exception to stuff I link to from 6moons.

All the best,