Dust in the window

Crazy spouse story.

I came home the other day and found dust scattered all over my music room.  Dust all over the place and in the weirdest locations -- almost as if someone had entered my private sanctuary and taken it upon themselves to alter my perfect habitat.

So on inquiring with my spouse, I discovered she had noticed a lot of build up of dust and decided to blow it all out using ... here it comes ... the outside leaf blower.

Yes, I kid you not.  She brought in a huge leaf blower and blew dust all over the place to "fix things".

I wonder if others have had experiences like this or other funny (and true) stories.


My wife like application heavy duty machine too. Love adventure woman.

A good buddy of mine had two expensive phono cartridges ruined by his housekeeper while dusting. She kept her job after the first mistake but not the second time. 

A good friend took his new wife, who had no experience with snow, for a winter vacation in the mountains. Flying, then renting a car.  One morning after a heavy snow, his wife, seeing the car covered, took a metal spatula to clear off the car.  Wanting to be thorough, she scraped the snow off the entire car, scratching the hell out of the paint job -- a small detail she was oblivious to. The marriage survived.

a gallon of Brooks Berdan record cleaning fluid disappeared, i found it almost empty in housekeeper closet… Wife remarked that the house smelled strange but clean last three ( expensive ) cleanings….