Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue

Per Fremer, Onzow ZeroDust leaves a hard to remove residue:



There is a follow up article from Mike Fremer. An independent source has reported the same exact problem. Wally Tools is off the hook.

When your supposed US stylus cleaner is in operation, do you hear a hum or buzz? If so, it’s probably operating within the audible range of frequencies, not really US. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. IMO, it’s actually safer. Most operate below 1000 Hz.

Using my Carson 8X magnifier (from office max) and LED flashlight I was able so see a similar debris buildup on my cantilever. At this level of magnify I can't see the stylus very well. 

I eagerly await WallyTools lab analysis of what this stuff is.

Used my supplied AudioTechnica cartridge brush to gently swipe from back to front and after several minutes managed to remove 75% of it. 

I think the common emergent theme here is: don't JUST use a gel pad dip (whether Onzow, DS Audio, etc). You should also implement proper & frequent brushing.

Adding the occasional liquid cleaner might not be a bad idea for some. The ultrasonic cleaning devices look cool. Blutak is perhaps a good gel alternative. ME is also very effective, but its effectiveness varies GREATLY based on how you use it - I'm of the camp that a simple dry dip & lift isn't maximizing its utility; I do a lot more. People get skittish around this stuff, so there's certainly a lot of divergent opinions on how to use that ME.

Many yrs ago a dealer told me never to use those ultra-sonic brushes for they could vibrate the cantilever and possibly damage the suspension. I threw mine out many yrs back.