Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200

Tube or SS, doesn't matter. Just want to know the best you've heard/owned.



I have been researching loading. Its a Nagaoka moving iron. Its predictably set to 40db @ 47k. I wondered if loading might help but HeavyMech is so right baout the Lounge. I found graphs from ASR and its big. Personally if I could have say 25% of the Lounge bump I'd be happy. But as he noted anything after the Lounge will take some getting used to.


I did spin a few records yesterday and I like all of what I hear. Ironically its now given my system some of that holographic sound I heard so much about. My tubed linestage didn't do that but the SS phono did. Go figure. But as I said, the Lounge is the last piece from the old system and so voicing has been done with the Lounge in it. So this changes the overall balance.Its more mid-heavy than I am used to but am letting it ride for now.

Mt phono cables are the Audio Envy Phono Deluxe cables @ 1 meter long. The specs listed are:

Measuring a leads capacitance of 3.8pF per foot.

Since there is a used one on US Audio Mart for $2150, I would say the Coda 06x phono stage, one of my all time favorites at any price. Extremely quiet with great sound quality. I'll always have one in my systems. Actually listening to it now; SME 12A, Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, Coda 06x, 07x, No 8, Fyne F703.

Probably still on US AM due to no reviews.

@goose +1. Darlington Labs MP-7 is amazing.  I used to own a JC-3 and Chinook and I would never pay that kind of money again having heard this phono pre.  I like it so much that I have ordered their new head amp, the SU-7.

“Some great choices here. I'm thinking about the Modwright PH9.0x. Does anyone have any experience with this one in relation to the others mentioned? I do own one of Dan's modded SACD players and love it.”

I have thePH9.0x upgraded from the PH9.0. The 9.0 is a great phono pre and about the equivalent to the Parasound JC3+ that I previously owned. The 9.0X really took it up a good notch! Huge soundstage, resolution and bass authority.

With Philips 6922 SQ tubes (or Bel/India equivalents at a cheaper price), I  can’t imagine anything near its price point sounding better. It’s that good! I’ve tried nos Mullards, various Amperex, GE and several others, but the Bel/I did was the most accurate and musical.