Looking for my "last" CD transport

Hello everyone,

as I am unhappy with my CD transport which is connected to my Linnenberg Satie DAC, I am looking for my "final" CD transport to replace it.

There is a limited market for new ones but I am also interested to get a vintage one if it makes sense.

Any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks for your help,
My Sony XA7ES is 23 years old. I bought this $3k new player brand new for $1000 when the local distributor cleared them out as the player was discontinued. The tray is very unique and far superior to a Phillips built tray. The player has performed perfectly since ownership and the laser works perfectly. I’m curious why new players suggested are failing with faulty lasers when my 23 year old player works perfectly?



the XA7 -ES is a legendary CD Player. Nice score! On the pricing as well.

This spinner is tough to beat (no pun).


Happy Listening!