Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200

Tube or SS, doesn't matter. Just want to know the best you've heard/owned.


Quick note and not to derail my own thread.


20/20 arrived today getting first listens. It’s been on roughly 2 hours before I got a disc on. It’s a used unit and no idea how much time is on it already. It may have the new top as it was easy to get on and off.

Aurally, it’s interesting. Less mid bass but that seems to make the bass drum more pronounced. It could be the Lounge was smearing things in the midbass. Don’t know. Vocals however are for more centered and seem to sit in front of everything else, which is not something I’ve experienced before. Music also seems to emanate from beyond the width of the speakers. So I hear what reviewers have mentioned about wanting a touch more body to the sound, but it could also be those frequencies being more “organized”.


So far it has no problems with anything I’ve thrown at it, Gene Ammons, Napalm Death, Sonic Youth, Cramps, Godflesh, Peter Tosh, Muddy Waters, etc. It definitely has a more “hifi” feel to the sound as it’s very sharp and defined.

@sokogear  I was able to net a 20/20 at a great price. Impressed so far but hoping the midbass fills in some.

what does the LPS bring to the sound? There doesn’t seem to be a consensus.

Sutherland 20/20 + LPS 

Oodles better than the Lehman and Rega units I also tried 









@vonharaland  so far I can say the things people rave about in the 20/20 are definitely true. Giving it a few Weeks to (hopefully) fill out the sound. 

The Lounge LCR has a huge bass hump in its response. It’s an incredibly inaccurate RIAA curve, so probably not fair to expect any other preamp to offer similar levels of midbass. The Lounge is a good example of why these days, I am weary of purchasing products from these small outfits basically operating out of a garage. I’ve had enough experience with such companies regarding product quality and performance to conclude that one is often better off buying from the big brands with established distribution and polished manufacturing processes. 


Anyhow, your ears will eventually adjust to the new sound and no doubt you’ll conclude the 20/20 is a worthy upgrade.