Listening to music I don’t particularly like

Do you find yourself listing to music you don't particularly like because it sounds so good on your system? If I'm honest with myself I am an old dude who grew up with classic rock and really enjoy it but a lot of it was not well recorded. So I find myself listening more and more to other genres of music that I normally wouldn't  just because they sound so good on my system. I don't know what this says about me, maybe I am more of an "equipmentphile" than a music lover? I keep listening to music ranging from classical to vocal jazz to country and I love the sound of it  but it doesn't get my toes tapping like a good old rock song from my youth. I was even listening to Chinese drums today. Is there hope for me? Will I ever ever enjoy this music as much as I enjoy the "sound"?


You're not alone. I do the same thing. But it has opened my eyes and ears to a lot more music.  One reason I have several systems so I can use the one that fits the music I want to listen to at the moment. My Klipsch hates classic rock. So I listen to my Def Techs for rock. Those speakers are very forgiving. 

It's a crap shoot folks. Sometimes I talk to people that I don't like and regret it. Unfortunately they can't be turned off as easily as Stereo. Switch the station man. But don't we do it with audio anyway? I mean I will listen to 'Deep Tracks" on FM and cringe every so often, and yet find new stuff from a group that I previously didn't care for just to hear something from them that I do like. 

 So, about the recordings and our listening pleasure. Just to hear if something new in the system pulls it's own weight, I will listen to music that I normally wouldn't. And yes, it has happened more than once that I hear something for the third time and start to like it. Maybe it becomes more to me than I expected after all. 


  If you have watched a movie all the way through even though it sucks, that doesn't make you bad person, right?

I bought and listened to Madonna’s Immaculate Collection because I wanted to hear another Qsound recording.

I'm pretty sure this particular territory has been visited and re-visited many times and this thread will not be the last. 

For me, music is melody, harmony, rhythm, emotion, timbre, tonal color, density, dynamics, etc.  Its sonic presentation is secondary to these factors as well as being secondary to my enjoyment. There are many musicians who don't particularly care about sonics-- their focus is the music, not the sound. 

Music is the cake and sonics are the frosting. Cake without frosting is not as appealing but whereas I can live just fine without frosting, life without cake is unimaginable. Still, it's not an either/or proposition-- it's a spectrum. 

I consider myself a music-lover who enjoys good sound, rather than an audiophile. 

This means that while I cannot relate to the OP's circumstances, I also choose not to listen to painfully poorly recorded/mastered CDs. 

Each person eventually discovers their own natural point of balance, no? 

I continue to wonder whether where one locates one's self on this spectrum is affected by whether one plays an instrument or not...








I disagree with the non music equipment listening comments. I think you do like the music and your system is helping you to discover the new music. The amount of music that is online and just a click away is incredible today. Radio is good in the car but all the stations are run by maybe three firms and they all play the same 10 artists over and over. I to listen to music I thought or never liked in the past but my taste has expanded and yes my system make it sound fantastic. Don't over think it just enjoy the music!