Gamut Lobster Chair

I have found posts on this forum relating to the Stressless and Eames lounge chair as good listening chairs, but not so much on the Gamut Lobster Chair. Has anyone here tried the Gamut Lobster Chair or better still own one? If so, would appreciate your sharing your thoughts / experience with regard to the Gamut Lobster Chair. Many thanks.


Just replaced my Ekornes Stressless chair with another one. After 15 years the leather started to finally get worn looking.  They still make the exact same chair (higher price of course)! I had been through 3 other brands, some pretty expensive  before it and the biggest difference is my back doesn't hurt after getting out of it after long periods, can even sleep there. I think it is recommended by some chorpractic association. It is very comfortable, but not like a recliner where the footrest comes up, vibrates or holds a refrigerator like Costanza's on Seinfeld. Not really cushy of pillowy at all if that's what you are looking for.

Bad news - very expensive and made in Sweden, so if you don't get a standard color that is in stock in the US, it has to be custom ordered. Mine took 23 weeks to get here because my wife couldn't live with a stock color. This one may outlive me....BTW the old one is still perfectly good and my son will take it when he moves back in driving distance. He loves it more than me.

MC and I agree the Gamut Lobster Chair has superb springs, meanwhile Jason Bourne is in Fantasyland

I tried the Eames chair a few days ago. While it is reasonably comfortable, when seated, my ears are 4 inches lower than the tweeters of my speakers. Would it be better if the tweeters and my ears are at the same height? 



Yes, if you are concerned about hearing precise fidelity at the listening position from most normal sized Speakers with typical low, midrange, and tweeter configuration. It has been recommended, suggested, and tested with results to come to this conclusion (don't ask me, Google is your friend). Not to say that you can't sit higher or lower, your just not hearing the best spatial qualities. I think giant array speakers, those with 6 foot bass columns and the same size for mids and tweeters, listening height would not make a difference, and I would also say the same for magnepan speakers as those types of speakers in most cases have the same drivers literally floor to speaker height.