Describe the sound of point source loudspeakers?

I have not heard any but I’m going to audition some in the near future. Can you provide any pointers or things I should be listening for? My current loudspeakers are von Schweikert db99se and they are definitely not point source. Thanks for your input.
Listen for the same things you'd prioritize on any speaker; natural tone, macro & micro dynamics, high and low freq extension, sibilance, integration of the drivers, soundstage, imaging...but most of all natural tone and dynamics. Cheers,
It is difficult to describe but I'd say you could look for a near seamless integration between bass and treble.

My Tannoy Dual Concentrics are far from perfect, but they do have a sense of integration that is remarkable for speakers of that size.

Many would say that the distance between the centre of the treble and bass units doesn't matter if you are listening at a sufficient distance, but I'm not so sure about that.
@tuberist, to reiterate - "  Tuberist, your Schweikerts are most definitely point source loudspeakers. " - @mijostyn's opening line ... do not underestimate the db99se as a well integrated Loudspeaker System!
While Coincident Drivers are referenced as an ideal ' Point Source ' design - challenges in implementation abound.
Don't shoot yourself in the foot by giving up 99 db Sensitivity.
A suggestion ... try a different integrated ... like VAC or Octave for example.
Another audiophile version (of many such tales on this forum) and as current as the original: "The Emperor’s New Clothes"

Point source speakers create a small image even if they are huge speakers. It is like sitting at the back of the concert hall.