PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?

I think I'm going to purchase a Lumin X-1 and sell my PS Direct Steam Dac.
Can anyone share their experience with these 2 products, particularly in sound quality?

I didn’t read this whole thread but my question is was the DS being used balanced out and volume at 100?  I certainly understand if people can’t use it that way based on their system, but IMHO  any comparisons to other DAC’s are completely meaningless otherwise. (Except as they relate to one’s own purchase decision, not anyone else’s)
When I owned/used the PS Audio Direct Stream Dac it was set at 100 with balanced out to a Ayre KX-20-5 Preamp.


I believe there have been different volume recommendations in the past for the DirectStream, particularly in use with a preamp, often discussed with PS Audio BHK Pre.  I believe Ted Smith made some changes, Redcloud or Windom, that addressed prior issue on this.   I have read some believing 92 is optimal while others cannot tell a difference from there to 100, especially with Sunlight firmware, which is on mine.   I do run through a preamp and have tried 90, 92, 95, and 100 from the DS, but do not find it has affected sound quality for me, only volume to my preamp.   I do use balanced out on my DACs and from my preamplifier out.   I also prefer XLR connectors over single ended RCA type for the locking of the connections.  I have done so with DS on several preamps, Cary SLP-05, Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT, Vinnie Rossi Signature L2 DHT, and Mola Mola Makua.