How do you listen?

Forgive me for having the impression that proper audiophilism involves assuming a comfortable sited position at the triangular apex of two fixed points with a meditative smile as aural sweetness is mindfully digested. My problem is I am a modern multi tasking spastic and cannot sit still without reading, watching silent football games, yelling at my kid, etc.etc. Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?
Get old that'll help.. You will love to have a great remote, and in my case the dog AND the rabbit.. KIDs?

My kids are grown and I have one grandchild.. He's a bigger terrier than my Jack Russel.. :-)

It depends, but I usually sit in the sweet spot with my laptop and multi task.  If the music beckons, I stop and listen.  
It was recommended to me that I wear one of those special white buckled Audiophile Listening jackets, the type that bind one's arms in the back. Also padded rubber full wall acquostic treatment.
oldhvymec, it take’s a special person to handle Jack Russels (and they say I'M crazy!) 😄👍
I read while I listen, otherwise, I would fall asleep. When I get tired of reading, I listen to a few more songs and go to bed.