16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling

I have limited knowledge about DAC's, but as I understand it, a typical CD player used to have 16 bit sampling, and supposedly no one was supposed to be able to hear the difference between anything more than 16 bit sampling; however, I recently purchased an Esoteric K-01X, which has 35 bit sampling (why 35 bits? no doubt only to differentiate it from their then top of the line 36 bit sampled Grandioso series).  

Now I can hear a big difference between my old Musical Fidelity kW DM25 DAC with 24 bit sampling (circa 2005), and the newer Esoteric DAC with 35 bit sampling, although I'm not supposed to, although maybe there are some other electrical programs playing with the sound besides the sampling rate.  

Now, there are 64 bit sampling DAC's, and I'm wondering how much the ear actually does hear from the sampling, or if it's something else entirely that's making the digital sound better?  

Any insightful opinions or perspectives?  

The sampling rates they are talking about is only within the DAC . It's not what comes out on the analog end you're lucky to get as much as 20 bit depth, the best I've seen is the new Topping D90se which does 22 bit distortion free.
@drbond : Wrong! There is NO smoothing of digital "steps"! The reconstructed waveform is presented complete! Increasing the sampling frequency does nothing to make waveforms below 22 kHz more "analog" like! Read my above post.

Well, around the same time I plugged in my new Esoteric K-01X and started playing it, with 35 bit sampling, a rabid bat did attack a man in my county!
DACs are components I never worry about anymore I just use the one in my preamp. As long as you're talking about competently built DACs which can give a good 16 -18 bits they are not anything that can be heard unless they have been designed with a sonic signature.

So, most of the markedly improved sound that I hear is from the improved transport stability, and more precise laser reading, and not from the 35 bit sampling?  There must be some other software aspect to the improved sound as well. . .