Any Vienna acoustics love out there? Anyone even still using them?

Don't hear much about them anymore.  I ask because I moved my Bach Grands from the living room (where they don't get much use) down into my basement main listening room today.  Wanted to hear them with my Hegel h360, which I have never done.  I was quickly reminded why I bought them in the first place.  Great imaging/center image and instrument separation, excellent soundstage, sweet midrange.  Warm, full sound you can listen to all day long.  Can a speaker be on the warm side and still detailed?  If so, I would say these fit the bill.  Not the best for dynamics or that 'live' feeling, but that's not what I bought them for.   

Anyway, interested in anyone's VA experience in general.
The “Tweeter” store era VA’s beethovens found their way home where they reside in my ht room now, but for 10 years they were in the listening room, (read basement:). They have better resolution than the strauss and are awesome with jazz. The speaker is obviously tuned by ear instead of a mic and with the right music really makes magic, but they can’t play loud and the recessed midrange gets frustrating with some music. I missed the chance to land a pair of “the Music” for $11k locally because fellow owners told me my h360 wouldn’t have enough juice to drive them. ‘Shoulda tried.
Hmmmm, yes I think the h360 probably would have done the trick.  That's what I am using on the Bachs right now.  Those 'the Music' look stunning.  Would love to hear them!
Yes, the HEGEL 360 would have done the trick, however the THE MUSICS like the juice. I am pushing 800 watts per chanel  on mine and they love it. Too bad you missed that $11,000 deal. That was a bargain!
How much more juice do the Musics need that their predecessor the Mahlers?  While they can use it, I've driven mine with my prototype integrated amp that has less than 35 wpc (but unconditionally stable and very high peak current).  In normal use i have two amps sitting right there that can be used as 60 wpc "kinda class A" stero (1) or 240wpc monos (2). I rarely go to the trouble of driving them as monos - i part because it complicate testing but also because the benefit is modest.
I have not had a pair of the Mahler so I cannot compare. All I know is that THE MUSIC speakers have a sensitivity of 91 and are 4 ohm. The owners manual specifies amps 50 to 500 watts are needed. Like any other descent speaker, as long as you pushing clean power they will take what ever you give them. I would be more afraid of low wattage, low current amps which could have a tendency to clip.