Poor Customer Service

How does it make you feel when you try to contact a mfg about their product with tech questions and they ignore you? I understand many places are suffering from a lack of help due to plandemic but when you repeatedly leave messages over a course of weeks and get no reply it sticks in my craw. I've spent my hard earned dollars on their equipment and a simple answer to my question would go a long way to endearment. When you leave a voicemail and no one bothers it's not only frustrating it's disrespectful, so much so that I don't ever want to buy their products again even if they are of good quality.

I wouldn’t know, several of my components are from Bryston. Besides from devastatingly underrated audio chops, their build quality is one of the best I have ever had, and the way they stand behind their components is absolutely second to none!

Here that Pass Labs, McIntosh, etc.
I’ve experienced excellent customer service from the following:
Underwood Wally
Peachtree Audio
Vacuum Tube Audio (tubes4hifi)
I agree that “Covid,” has become a convenient excuse for anything & everything.
I bought a new Parasound JC2 from a great local dealer. Unfortunately, it had a defective power supply. I sent an email to Parasound, to which Richard Schram personally replied. The next day, a new replacement was on its way to me, even before I put a return label on the defective one. That's about as good as it gets for customer service in my opinion. 
Regarding equipment issues, there are numerous negative customer service experiences I’ve experienced. Two stand up companies are Belles and Van Alstine. They are great and are willing to go the extra mile.
My beef is with Technics and parent company Panasonic I've made it known on other threads. I bought their SUG700 a fine piece no issues but I wanted to know more about the product than in their manual so I tried the phone numbers in the manual only one worked and referred me to a nonworking email. I started randomly calling numbers close to one of the nonworking published numbers and actually got a guy at Panasonic that gave me a number at Technics to call,I called it and it referred me to a non-working email address. I gave up but take the opportunity when presented to say good product customer support not so much. 
conversely Emotive,PSAudio,I got a human on the other end.