why do so many discussions turn contentious?

just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn  contenious and nasty?  do you guys find that constructive and/or enjoyable?  I have no clue who or how this forum is moderated, but I sure would love to see a stop to that...it makes me feel like this hobby is dominated by total jerks.

Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that  they often are subjective and biased.  
"if you dont have anything nice to say, say nothing"?  If you wish to disagree, do it in a constructive and mature fashion, no need for "argument ad hominem"...

with all the chaff, one must waste so much time finding the wheat, figuratively speaking.  

I doubt my writing this will change anything, but, like most social media, people writing to others without facing them does not bring out the best, sadly......

This thread is good for right now, people are paying attention to it today. But most will move on to the next subject tomorrow. That's the current level of attention nowadays. I do hope it works long term but I wouldn't count on it. Just ignore the trolls!
@mitch2 - fair point. I took a break for a year or so from this forum b/c I found the signal to noise ratio deteriorated.
But what are my options, other than reporting what I consider to be an obnoxious post? I don't usually do that for several reasons. I see threads that are larded with political discussions and do just ignore them. 
Other than participating in good faith and encouraging same, what else can one do? I don't run this board, and think part of it really does have to do with the lack of moderation (with apologies to Tammy who has enough to do).
Beyond that, I think you are right, though, it isn't just what one tolerates, but if the rules aren't applied people are pretty quick to cross the line. Plus, what I may find offensive or stupid may be just peachy to others-- thus, I begin to question why I'm the one still here. (No, I'm not trying to suggest I'm leaving-- if I do it will be without fanfare--).

No, because you always get the conceited clown who feels it’s his duty to insult those who do not fall in step with his “sensibilities”. 

You always get the technically informed members who feels it's their duty not to let the "snake oil, voodoo" products run unchecked on these forums, that are making a fortune for their shyster manufacturers, that never come on here to protect their products when called out!
Self-regulation would be nice, where participants communicate theIr opinions respectively and accept that not everybody is going to share the same viewpoint.