Unplug or ride out the storm?

In most years we have a couple of severe thunderstorms and to be safe I unplug everything. This summer is like twilight zone. Probably 15 or 20 significant electrical storms. I've been unplugging everything even though I have Furman surge protection and power conditioning. I'm confident it will work if called upon but don't want to put it to the test if I don't have to. Kind of like lifeboats on a ship. They probably work fine but you'd rather not have to test them out. The bad part (whether placebo or real) I'm convinced some of my components take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days to really hit their stride when they've been unplugged and allowed to cool off. Just curious what everybody else does
I have a whole house surge protector.
And, I have 3 Niagara units with there built in surge protectors.
And...if lightning strikes are near I turn off the 3 breakers to my system and I still unplug.

When I am not home and aware of lightning strikes near my home, I also pray.

Just shut the breaker off, that is if you took the time to put the hifi on a seperate circuit. No need to unplug if the breaker is off...
My equipment is all on dedicated lines. Why you think current from a lightning strike couldn’t easily jump a circuit breaker?

In my house, it’s more convenient to pull AC plugs that turn off circuit breakers. So this is all a moot point for me.
Just shut the breaker off, that is if you took the time to put the hifi on a seperate circuit. No need to unplug if the breaker is off..
We had a direct lightning strike. Hit the flashing on the brick chimney. Fried two breakers whereby the flipswitch was seized. Lots of other things zapped including a $2000 refrigerator. Stereo gear survived with a blown glass fuse.