questions for georgehifi and others about powering my Wilson Sasha2s

Conversation with georgehifiArchive this

George, I read a thread you commented on about amps for Sasha 2s, but the direction got derailed when Troy came in and it deteriorated into the merits of Troy providing insights rather than the content of the insights.  I have seen other posts by you and I respect what you have said. I have been flailing around with my system the last two years. I've been doing my best to ferret out gear that makes sense, and I have made great progress, but its been messy. Synergy though reading reviews is elusive!! I ended up recently with Sasha 2s, sourced only by a Vivaldi Stack, Modwright LS300 (had to get tubes to tame the dCS and Sasha 2 combo) and JC1+ amps, Everest with all Shunyata Sigma V2 and V1 and Alpha V2 power cords. Some gear sits on Townshend platforms, Sashas on Podiums, and IC and SC loom is Townshend F1s. My Sasha 2 amp journey started with the amp I had which was a Naim DR300 NAP which was not very detailed and not powerful enough for the sasha 2s, but a fun amp on my old B and W 801s. I then bought the JC1+s and was very impressed. Wife finally loved the sound of my system again. I did think the JC1+ lacked a bit of resolution, but it was a sweet and powerful sound with a strong lower foundation that was a joy in musical terms to listen to. I then got weak and started to give in to the dogging on the JC1+s that is quite easy to come across.  Last Friday I took delivery of a NIB Luxman m900u. Figuring if it was as musical as everyone claimed I'd buy a second one and be done with my amp search. It's been burning in for about 100 hours now. It's got more resolution, and a deeper soundstage, and while it's bass is musical it's bass light. The real problem is that in my system its too bright on female vocals, strings and piano. Wife wants the JC1+s back but I've heard that resolution and depth and I can't unhear it. Guys a know on line now say its a bad match for Sasha 2s, two guys say I need Ampzilla 2000 V2s, some say Modwright KSE 150, others say the Modwright or two are not good enough. I have avoided tube amps my whole life, but? My budget is around 22K for amps, so two used m900us were perfect. Do you think the Luxman will burn in/burn burn/off the brightness? I am over using cables as tuning devices, but It did occur to me to roll the 7308 Amperex USN in the LS300 for some British warm tubes to compensate. Can you shed any light on my situation? I'm pretty beat up and disappointed right now. Often on this forum I hear about all these product recommendations for products and companies I have never heard of. I don't want Macintosh like brands but also not any  tiny start ups that are not even fully rolled out. Thanks for any help.

I heard big Audio Research monoblocks(forgot Model) with Sasha DAW about a year ago.  Sound was very good.  But I still liked the Sonus Faber with MAC 1K monoblocks.  Not usually a MAC fan but I liked that better than the Wilsons.  Wilsons seemed distant and laid back but quite accurate.  Might have just needed a little volume.  No subs with these.  I believe this was in Chicago. 
I would recommend listening to the Audionet MAX amps.
I have not heard the m900u, but the MAX’s easily bested the JC-1’s and BHK 250 on BW 802N’s, Revel Salon 2’s and my current YG Haileys.
I find it interesting that the Pass amps have only come up once or twice here. Has Jay killed the Pass reputation as he pivoted away from being in love with them? I have never owned or heard them, but they were an aspirational brand for me. I understand they are not the end all be all for resolution and they run hot, but they are supposed to be very musical. Thoughts on Pass?
I have been using for over 2 years Exogal’s Comet/Ion which is not Class D but is a solid state PreAmp/Amp PowerDAC to drive my Wilson Sasha2s and I haven’t ANY reason to change/upgrade unless or until Exogal comes out with an upgraded product.  But just don’t take my firsthand experience to go on for Dagogo’s Doug Schroeder has reviewed as well as many other reviews of both the Exogal Comet and Ion and Doug’s bottom line is that the Comet/Ion is a game changing paradigm shift.  The Comet/Ion combination is very musical and drives the Sasha2s effortlessly which I can listen to for hours on end with no fatigue. This gear is what I consider a Giant Killer and indeed punches way above its price point.  Unfortunately the Comet is now out of production so you can only buy it used although the Ion is still in stock.  I look forward to what Exogal does next.
wokeuptobose OP
I find it interesting that the Pass amps have only come up once or twice here.

 Pass amps are complimentary push/pull Mosfet output stage, generally they don’t do very low impedances as good as equal in size complimentary push/pull Bi-Polars (BJT) can eg: Gryphon,Krell,D’Ago etc etc.

Cheers George