I had multiple transactions here and at US Audio Mart in 2019 and yesterday received a letter from the IRS stating the transactions were "Taxable Income" anyone else ever experience that with Paypal and now what?
Fighting the IRS is not something I look forward to!
A good reason not to use PayPal. Maybe accept only USPS money orders or personal checks? 
@nickboy...way to bring politics into the thread. It usually leads to very positive discussions. And hoping someone will die in front of you on TV, you are smrt. What's the BS they are teaching? The truth?
"This country is broke . when are you guys going to realize that. were seeing massive inflation right now because its the only way they can handle the debt problem , its not transitory like the secretary of the debt said , you haven’t seen nothing yet , this is not the forum to talk politics or economics but since you brought it up here we are. Buy your HIFI gear now and save because tomorrow you’ll pay double. Biden is your man he will fix everything he’s so great !! I cant wait for him to keel over on live tv im going to get the popcorn out. Just enrolled my child into private school cause of the absolute BS there teaching these children. The masses think everything is normal because they dont know any better , things are NOT ok wake up you idiots. The IRS needs money and they will be cracking the whip your just getting a little taste of what’s to come."

This is complete political grandstanding nonsense otherwise known as spin. "Secretary of the debt"? Tell me, who is the "Secretary of the debt"? I will tell you from first hand experience that the inflation we're seeing is companies taking advantage of a situation. I sell equipment. The manufacturers we represent have raised prices three times this year. Usually we see price increases every other year. Why are they doing this? Becuase they can. Demand is very high and supply is limited due to chips for engines, shortage of workers etc. This is Econ 101. Tell me this Mr. politically astute, if the goal of any politician is to get re-elected, why would they purposefully cause inflation right before an election cycle? Oh, maybe it wasn't the Administration, maybe it was the "Secretary of Debt" gone rogue. Geez, the crap people come up with us amazing to me!