Rotel RA-1592 MK II or something else to deliver around 200W to B&W towers around $3000?

So I just purchased a pair of B&W CDM-9NT and am now going deep down the rabbit hole trying to find an amp that’s going to let these speakers sing to their fullest. I keep coming back to Rotel as the consensus appears to be that these amps pair very well with B&Ws. I was trying to keep the budget to $1000...then $ I’m looking at $3000 options...I’m not willing to go up to the McIntosh prices at the moment so I’m capping myself at $3k new or used.

I was thinking that going integrated was the best option when looking at the $1500ish options. Now maybe separates would make sense at $3000?

Goals in sound are excellent imaging and separation. Strong and tight bass is a must. Music selection is mainly very bass forward genres like hip hop & EDM. I also enjoy jazz, rock and sometimes classical as the mood strikes. A must have is digital connectivity for hi-res streaming. The room is 14x18 if that matters.

Any help is appreciated.
I haven’t heard the Rotel 1592, it gets very good reviews. I liked my Rotel receiver which I owned years ago.
I think B&W’s would be the problem in this matchup. They’re very revealing and much of that is from the tweeter. IME, highs are extended and there’s a lot of energy in the top-end. I don’t know where the highs to mids are crossed over, but much of the presentation is heard through a very crisp, detailed tweeter.

From The Absolute Sound:
   Significantly, the Rotel’s top-end was fluid; the dark cast of treble shading that I encountered years ago has been largely ameliorated. Here the top end was more immediate, and lent the presentation liveliness, along with transient sparkle and speed.

Pairing an amp with a speaker that both present "liveliness with sparkle and speed" in the highs doesn’t make a very balanced presentation.

B&Was have very clear and prominent highs. When paired with a Rotel which has a similar sound profile it can start to cause pretty significant ear fatigue. I agree with people that have said tubes would be a good match but you're unlikely to get the amount of power you're looking for. I'd also say. Not certain you need that much power to make those "sing". If you're patient cou should be able to find a rogue rp-1 for about 1k and a stereo 100 for about 2k or a little more. Alternatively, you could get a rogue cronus magnum which is 100wpc or so fo under 2k used. If you wanted to go as I'd stick with hegel or parasound as others have Saud.

What you really need to make those speakers sound good is current more than a ton of wattage. If the Amp has big power transformers and can deliver a lot of current on demand you'll get the full bodied sound you're looking for.
I am not a fan of Rotel.  If they still use an internal fuse at the wrong electrical balance the fuse kept blowing. I tossed the unit.  The Parasound HINT Halo 6 is pairing well with older Polks.  I would look at the Parasound line instead.  Not as pricey as Macintosh normally but good performance.
The new MK2 models were voiced by “the legendary Marantz golden-ear, Ken Ishiwata” before his passing, so any carryover from prior tin-eared Rotels may be unwarranted. Also consider the OP’s musical tastes. What I might prefer for my sound balance might be very different from his. I judge speakers by acoustic instruments exclusively, then enjoy recordings of rock and fusion as much as possible given the vagaries of their production values. 
Run don’t walk to AA classifieds. Someone is selling his Audio Alchemy DDP-1/PS 5 and DPA 1. I love my DDP-1 + PS5 at a fantastic price
You can sell you current preamp. It's that good!
