Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used

While this topic has been covered before, I'm interested in both recent experiences with new products or anyone who just would like to chime in.

I have a couple friends interested in tube amps, lower wattage -- 40 wpc or below. Before they pull the trigger there, they need to find the best higher sensitivity speakers they can, hopefully at $2k or below, new or used.

QUESTION: What high sensitivity speakers would you recommend to them, new or used? What did you try and NOT like?
Characterizations of their sound, experience with a trial period, the company, etc. appreciated.

I'll pass the best answers and links along to them.
To those who maybe think I was being to demanding or too time consuming for Eric Alexander to be courteous, I had two main questions regarding my amp wattage and type and my room size to get an idea of what speaker would be the best match. The whole interaction was a one sentence email response for me to call the shop instead of emailing (which I thought would be easier so he could answer in his own time) and then me attempting 2-3 times over a few weeks to call and get no response. I finally got him a few weeks later and our phone call was less than a few minutes. I know what overbearing is and I’m self aware enough to know when I’m being that and when I’m not. The phone call lasted three minutes or so and made it clear to me I was not important and he didn’t give a sh!t about my business. Just shook my head after the call like “what the the hell was that all about? F me for wanting to ask a question”. 
So yeah probably an off day for him but still, I couldn’t think of a single thing I had done to warrant his response. Do they make good speakers? Maybe they do. I don’t care to try them now. YMMV but my experience was not good so it’s not worth chasing the guy to see if he’ll be nicer next time. I’ll move on and I did. Just a caveat emptor over here….
The used Spatial are an excellent suggestion 
a decent 40 wpc push pull tube amp should provide decent ( near injurious ) SPL with 90-92 db speakers.. 
please do not overlook the Klipsch RP600 stand-mounts

They love 300B amps

good luck 
Post removed 
@herbreichert Thanks for reminding me about those. I bought some RP-600M's to try out while my Salk speakers were being built and I liked them a lot. I still have them and could loan them to my buddy.

But....I still found them a bit bright with my 60wpc tubes. However, you're saying 300B and so that may be a more magical solution.

If you wouldn't mind adding to your comment:

(a) Did you modify the Klipsch 600-Ms crossover, as some are doing? If so, did it improve them?

(b) Did you try the speakers *both* with more and less powerful tube amps and noticed that there was a significant difference with the 300B tubes?

Thank you very much for replying to this thread.