Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used

While this topic has been covered before, I'm interested in both recent experiences with new products or anyone who just would like to chime in.

I have a couple friends interested in tube amps, lower wattage -- 40 wpc or below. Before they pull the trigger there, they need to find the best higher sensitivity speakers they can, hopefully at $2k or below, new or used.

QUESTION: What high sensitivity speakers would you recommend to them, new or used? What did you try and NOT like?
Characterizations of their sound, experience with a trial period, the company, etc. appreciated.

I'll pass the best answers and links along to them.

Showing 16 responses by hilde45

Great suggestions so far. Thanks. TMR has an Omega at the moment, the only situation in which one can *try* an Omega. Ascend Acoustics popped to mind for me, too, but I have not looked at their specs. Mozartfan's list of ingredients will be helpful if my friends want to climb the DIY learning curve, otherwise, they'll need a Rosetta Stone.
Thanks, Tvad. They both specified, "not shouty" to me, but I'll assume that with the right pairing, these are all good to go.
Thanks, all. Even knowing that the parameters (e.g. $2k or under) are impossible will help with the eventual choices, perhaps moving them toward hybrid amplification.
Saying "the owner is a prick" is unhelpful and rude.

In my opinion, you should either describe what happened which was problematic (or somehow injurious) or take down your comment as a below-the-belt, ad hominem attack.
@rickallen81 @tsushima1

What do I have to say *now*, @tsushima1 ?

I’d say that now the details of the problem have been added into the description and now I’m satisfied.

My only issue was with name calling with no evidence. Hope that makes sense, now.
i would say 5-6k might be a minimum... as usual it is all about where one sets the bar for ’good sounding’

This is very useful, indeed. After all, it's likely a very good sounding speaker that's *not* sensitive can be had for $2k or less and then the money which would have been necessary for a really good sounding speaker could be apportioned back to the amp. In other words, if $5-6k for a really good sensitive speaker is needed in order to save on tube amps, the outcome here seems to be that spending on amps is fine. It becomes more about how the sensitive speaker w/ lower power tube stuff sounds, as a combo, compared to a less sensitive one with a more powerful amp.
@herbreichert Thanks for reminding me about those. I bought some RP-600M's to try out while my Salk speakers were being built and I liked them a lot. I still have them and could loan them to my buddy.

But....I still found them a bit bright with my 60wpc tubes. However, you're saying 300B and so that may be a more magical solution.

If you wouldn't mind adding to your comment:

(a) Did you modify the Klipsch 600-Ms crossover, as some are doing? If so, did it improve them?

(b) Did you try the speakers *both* with more and less powerful tube amps and noticed that there was a significant difference with the 300B tubes?

Thank you very much for replying to this thread.

@jjss49 Very educative primer -- thank you. Both of my friends have subs, so looking for an efficient speaker that doesn't *try* to do a lot of bass would probably get them a bit more bang for their stand mount buck. Not sure which of the speakers suggested on this list so far are willing to just forego the promise (to the customer) of a very low bass end, but that would be interesting to sort out.
@jackd Thanks, good suggestion. Thanks to others, too! Monitors sound worth a try.
@zazouswing Room's about 22 feet x 14 feet x 8 feet. Omegas are an interesting idea. There's an Omega 7xrs set used for $800 on audiomart I was eyeing for my friends. Hmmm.
Spatial audio fans: how would you describe the dimensionality of the sound in comparison to, say, Magnepans?
@charles7  I heard the QS Integrated with Dynaudio Evoke 20 and it was very good until about 77 or so db and then it got a bit distorted. Those speakers are 86 db and 6 ohm, so it was probably a bit much, but I've heard tube amps really like an 8 ohm load, so that's probably a factor.
I wanted to try some in Denver, not those models, but a home trial was not allowed so I passed. Would have been local dealer. Shame, really.