Which cartridge for Graham 2.2 arm?

Just scored a Graham 2.0 factory upgraded to 2.2 with bearing cap and ceramic wand.
Conventional wisdom says that at 11 grams effective mass it would best be paired with a high-compliance cartridge, something on the order of 18uN/mm or higher?

Poking around on-line I see static AND active compliance listed for some carts; hoo boy a new variable...
Budget is not unlimited, say around $500 and I have no problem with used, in fact most of my stuff is.

Any Graham owners want to weigh in? Any one at all want to weigh in?

Associated equipment: Bix turntable, bel canto Pre-2P, Wyred 4 Sound amplifier, Wilson Audio Duettes
Hmmm, I hadn't considered messing with Mr. Graham's design. I have seen arms that have weighs to increase their mass though so I suppose it's not a terrible idea ;-)
I'll look at that Goldring, thanks.
I've got a 2.0 updated to the 2.2.  It came in the deluxe kit with overhang tool and an auxiliary counterweight.  I understood the effective mass to be 12g.  Seems about right.  A medium mass arm but capable of going higher mass if you want.  use the auxiliary cw and also you can use a headweight in order to dial mass in for a particular cartridge. 

I think of cartridges with medium or low compliance as potential match-up material.  Down to 10 (x 10¯6   cm/dyne)*  or as high as 16.  I've tried some lighter moving magnet cartridges with sub-optimal results, I thought.  The arm wants lower compliance.  It liked my Shelter 501-II.  And works nice with the DL-103r.  It was fine on an Ortofon Jubilee.  Beautiful output.  I feel the arm allows the cartridge to speak fully when the mass and compliance are right.  High quality intricately machined tonearm.  Delicate and beautiful.

I’m wondering how people can recommend a worn/used Koetsu for a person you said his budget is $500 max??? 

No, you're not wondering, not at all. You're just trying to take a cheap shot. Nobody recommended a Koetsu. I said buying used opens up a lot of options and mentioned one example I have seen.

You can convince yourself of your cleverness but the plain fact of the matter is the more you twist the truth around to fit your predetermined narrative the more you undermine your own credibility. Do it enough you risk sounding like just another MDS crank.
With a $500 budget I would look closely at the new Audio Technica OC9 family of cartridges. I believe there are four variants available, and they range from the mid $200s up to the $700s. Looks like the OC9XML would fit in your budget as it sells for $549 and gets you a boron cantilever and a microlinear line contact diamond. Audio Technica has a long history with this cartridge and has refined it over the years. One of the better values in audio, and a solid choice at your price point.