Which cartridge for Graham 2.2 arm?

Just scored a Graham 2.0 factory upgraded to 2.2 with bearing cap and ceramic wand.
Conventional wisdom says that at 11 grams effective mass it would best be paired with a high-compliance cartridge, something on the order of 18uN/mm or higher?

Poking around on-line I see static AND active compliance listed for some carts; hoo boy a new variable...
Budget is not unlimited, say around $500 and I have no problem with used, in fact most of my stuff is.

Any Graham owners want to weigh in? Any one at all want to weigh in?

Associated equipment: Bix turntable, bel canto Pre-2P, Wyred 4 Sound amplifier, Wilson Audio Duettes

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

I’m wondering how people can recommend a worn/used Koetsu for a person you said his budget is $500 max??? 

No, you're not wondering, not at all. You're just trying to take a cheap shot. Nobody recommended a Koetsu. I said buying used opens up a lot of options and mentioned one example I have seen.

You can convince yourself of your cleverness but the plain fact of the matter is the more you twist the truth around to fit your predetermined narrative the more you undermine your own credibility. Do it enough you risk sounding like just another MDS crank.
I had the 2.0, upgraded to 2.2 by me. Ran a Benz Micro Glider, beautifully. I have no idea what mass or compliance, having learned long ago how little these matter. If you want to search and select on that basis, go for it. If it causes you to miss out on a fine cart like the Glider, oh well. Also used a Benz Ruby on it. These are out of your range new, but not used. 

Being willing to buy used opens up a lot of doors. I have seen high hours Koetsu for around $500. Well worth it for a taste of the magic, you will at least know what the others are trying to do.