Have had a Lyra Delos Cartridge for the last month and have any of you goners noticed a elevated treble, shrill thin bright sound from this Cartridge? I wish I had my HANA ML back. This Lyra sounds horrible!!!
If the Delos hasn't been modified or retipped by a non-Lyra company, and you suspect that there may be something wrong with it, you are welcome to send it back to us (Lyra) via the dealer that you purchased the cartridge from, so that we can check it over, verify that everything is in good shape, correct anything that is not, or let you know if something has been damaged.

Alternatively (if the original dealer has quit or moved), you can send the cartridge to the distributor in your country, and explain that you want to have us check it over.

We request that you include a short note telling us what you find wrong with the cartridge, being as specific as possible. And perhaps a list of the partnering equipment (turntable, tonearm, tonearm cable, stepup device, phono stage) so that we can decipher if there is an obvious mismatch.

We do this as standard policy; it shouldn't cost you anything other than getting the cartridge to the dealer or sending it to the national distributor.

We won't be able to correct anything if the issue is with your setup, or if the issue is personal preference, but at least we can make sure that the cartridge works well and sounds good (to us).

I will add that your description of the Delos is quite atypical of the feedback that we get from the vast majority of people who have used it (including those with solid-stage phono stages - tubes or semiconductors shouldn't be an issue as long as the phono stage was designed intelligently).

kind regards, jonathan carr
I am replacing the Plinius Koru phono stage this week with a BAT VK P12. If a 8000 dollar tube phono stage can't make this cartridge sound good then it's not my 12k dollar Krell amp, it's not my 5k dollar Ayre preamp or the 5k in cabling. The Delos with be replaced.  I'm having a VPI guru come over and check the calibration of my Classic one turntable with the Delos. adjusting azimuth and tracking force does not change the sound of the cartidge.  It only affects imaging. The Delos sounded fantastic when I listened to it on all very expensive McIntosh tube gear. Maybe throwing some tubes on it will give me the sound I'm looking for. 
Even small changes in tracking force should alter the sound of the Delos quite a bit, which suggests that your current setup has not managed to extract all of the performance that the Delos has to offer.

Nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck with whatever you replace it with.

kind regards, jonathan carr
Jeff, Tube phono stages per se do not "roll off" highs.  Perhaps a tube phono stage may have an audio bandwidth out to 100kHz.  Whereas a solid state equivalent might go out even farther, but you are not going to hear that particular difference.  You'd be more likely to hear a difference in bass definition, but such generalities are dangerous if taken as gospel.
What the OP is describing sounds more like a poor setup.  Tracking force too light, VTA way off, arm mass way too light.  

Nothing can fix a poor setup except improving to a good setup.  That's why there are turntable setup specialists.