Do You Ever Find Yourself Unable to Listen To Your System?

I was unsure how to pose this question.

I don't mean in a any technical capacity, as in, your system for some reason is not sounding good and therefore you can't stand to listen to it or some component is not functioning correctly.

I mean in the sense that your having some issues in life perhaps that is affecting you emotionally or mentally and you are unable to enjoy your system.

For me there is some personal issues that has been affecting me and my family for the past couple of years and there are times I just am not able to sit down and enjoy the rig.

For the past month I have been unable to bring myself to listen to anything. Heck, even hardly been on this forum.

I know different people deal with issue's in different ways. Some might completely immerse themselves in their system to forget about the world for a little bit.

I mean that would make sense. Music is not just enjoyable but therapeutic. 

I should actually be using my system even more in these type of times but I usually just seem to lose interest in things I like when I am a bit mentally disturbed due to some issue going on.

So I am just curious, do you any of completely turn away from your system or the opposite, immerse yourself even more?


Post removed 

Good advice as above. Try listening to your system overnight (start at Midnight). There are far too many distractors in the daylight hours.

Happy Listening!
I do sit down to listen occasionally and the mojo just isn’t there. I listen to a song or two and I can tell that I’m just not feeling it. Sometimes it’s because it’s summer and there are so many other activities that I feel I should be doing and other times it’s an issue such as you describe. Happily the feeling eventually passes and I can sit back and take it in.
Very brave of you to post this on the "audio" forum.  That alone says to me that you recognize whatever it is swirling around you.

Eat well, sleep well, do not self-medicate!  Never helps, never will.

Stay away from the garbage media that is Television.  Go outside and breath.

Clean out a closet or the garage, dispose of things that you haven't seen in a year or more.  This is the start to creating order.

I've been there and done that...

Warm Regards,
Sure.  Serious listening can be a a really involving experience, but like most involving experiences, it is actually work. I often find it easier and more what i want to play music on other systems more int eh background - rather than go, sit in one place, and pay close attention.  Normal IMO.
of course sometimes the big system provides the background music too ...