Cartridge recommendations?

High compliance
4-7 g weight
easily sourced
replaceable stylus
balanced good sound
Shure m97xe, but you will pay a premium. Now going for $300 or more new on eBay. I have one in use on a vintage Lenco, and one new in the box. Very high compliance and a great tracker, plus the damped brush. The replacement shure stylus are fetching a high price as well. However, you can grab a used m97xe and go to LP gear and buy a jico replacement stylus. 
If you really can't swing the extra $60 for the gold, then the Grado Prestige Green is a very good alternative. I have both and while the green is a good all around performer, the gold presents a broader soundstage with better imaging. 

tried a grado red a friend let me borrow could not tame the sibilance so no to grado