Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year

Wow! The envelope said “Dept of Revenue” so I figured it may be my car tags due. I opened the envelope to find a statement that I owed $665 for “use tax” on an amp I bought last year in June.  Shocked is an understatement. Yes, I bought a used amp from a guy in Canada through A’gon. But I paid the tariff on it. Now they also want tax.  However, the amount they are basing it on is over double what I paid for the amp. But had to send it to Don Sachs for repair a few months later. So I wonder if they are seeing that as a separate purchase rather than a repair. They even charged me $43 interest which is more ridiculous IMO.
So the question...Are you required  to pay tax on a used amp or other used  items? Has anyone else encountered this? Yes, I know the states are cracking down on the sales tax. But on used items? Wow

  • "The rest are residents who fell on hard times, mostly through medical bills that bankrupted them."

Most of the homeless population is suffering from substance abuse and/or suffering from mental illnesses of one type or another.

What are the compassionate policies being offered by the extremists on the radical left doing to solve the problem, other than to exacerbate it?

We have the most populous state, by far, of any in the nation. 40 million people reside here and 2nd place goes to Texas, with 29 million
Nice dance son. CA has 12% of the US population, and 28% of the US homelessness. Read and weep.

and in some states, it’s much, much worse
Go ahead, name them there states that are “ much much worse”.

(I’m wondering if you’re going name NY, OR or WA)

A lot of the homeless come here to get away from other states that treat them poorly.
FLMAO! Boy, I nearly ruptured my spleen. Yes, you treat them so well that they are forced to live in tents and use the streets as their bathrooms. You guys sure are very nice …

Using google, look up any state and their homeless rate, and compare that to their population as a whole, and get back to me on what you find out.
Something YOU should be doing.

While doing that, also look into what each state does for their working poor as well as their homeless.
In other states*, there is no such thing as “working poor”. Taxes and cost of living expenses are low enough for the low income to have good standard of living.

NOT the case in CA.

*Not including CA “sister” states.

PS: a real quick search showed your stats to be misinterpreted, at best, or an outright lie, at worse

The URLs I provide say otherwise. Just because the truth hurts, doesn’t make it misinterpretation, outright lies or “worse”. 

I'll just add; 20 years ago I was trying to get a position in San Diego, but just couldn't. There was nothing available. Now, even during the the Covid scare, I'm getting head hunters cold calling me with positions all up and down the coast. They cannot fill the positions. Nobody with a grain of sense is interested in moving to CA anymore. 

Taxes and cost of living is low enough for the low income to have good standard of living??????  Wow.  That is such a mistaken false statement, but helps me understand why certain people do nothing to help solve the problems.

Same thought for slavery. the slave owners justified slavery in many ways but one was that the slaves should be happy.  We provide housing and food.  Where they came from they lived in tents and caves.  That was the thinking.  They used that just like the writer above to justify low income and poverty. 

I would bet good money that that writer was never poor to make such a ridiculous insulting statement.  

Most people have no real clue regarding the causes of homelessness.  just going by what they were told or read in some news paper article.

" Taxes and cost of living is low enough for the low income to have good standard of living?????? Wow."
In some CA cities, middle income families are living in RV's as they cannot afford a home. In TX, low income families can afford to live in a home and often 2 cars. Wow indeed.

Same thought for slavery."

How you get to slavery is a level of dimness that I honestly cannot get too. Switch to decaf and try again. 
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