What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???

Okay I will start. 

1. Reclocker for my DAC. 
I want Tekton speakers as I understand they can compete with speaker 10 times the price. For sure powered by Raven amps. Bur for sure you have to make sure its all on Townsend pods. Otherwise you are leaving so much on the table. 

Oh crap. Most importantly, suspend your cables after you cover your room in red shag carpet from the early 70s. This is key!

If you dont believe me, I can send you links to what random "listeners" said about my system. Once you read this completely unbiased feedback...you will totally "get it" unless you are a left leaning individual. 

Not sure, but I have been thinking of a retro/memory lane system. Items I have had in the past that I liked/loved.
So far my thoughts are:
C.J. ART pre-amp
Classe CA-400 power amp.
Classe or another CD player with the ultra-analog DAC or the Audio Research CD2 player.
Wireworld Gold Eclipse 3 for interconnects and speaker wire
Magnum Dynalab 108 Tuner with upgraded tubes.
Magnepan MG-20

....or I suppose I could get an early Wurlitzer or Rockola Jukebox with all the early British Invasion 45 rpm records....you know, DC5, Beatles, Stones....etc.....and of course Dusty Springfield.

In the next three months I am buying the Classe Delta Stereo. 
After that, upgrade my old Audiovector Mi3 to either R3 or R6.
The #1 thing I am looking for, that I should have thought of long ago, even though in retrospect it is so totally obviously the best way to get everything I want done, is a time machine.