How many of you are digital only systems?

I currently have an all digital setup, streaming and stored digital files and ripped CD’s on my Innuos Zen mkIII via Chord Qutest to a PrimaLuna EVO 400i. I have been contemplating adding analog to my system, like a Clearaudio concept table. I am NOT hear to debate which one is better, so please don’t turn it into that, I understand the differences. How many of you are digital only? If you listen to digital as well, please tell me why. Is it because of sonic qualities or just the nostalgic reasons of spinning vinyl. I just don’t know if I want a turntable because it would be new gear to play with or if I think it has sonic qualities that I am missing with digital. I would have to buy new vinyl as I really only have a few of my albums from when I was teenager in the 80’s. Maybe I should just put the money towards upgrading digital components, even though I love my Qutest/Zen combo, I could move up in their line?? Am I missing something truly special in the audio world if I’m all digital? Thanks for your thoughts 
“Am I missing something truly special in the audio world if I’m all digital?”

Not at all as long as you’re streaming. Anything else, you’re limiting yourself by the number of physical media, Vinyl or CD’s you own. I would divert funds into upgrading your DAC instead of starting with mediocre analog rig. A good analog rig needs atleast $5-$7K investment plus the ongoing cost of vinyl. 
Hello jmphotography,

     I was originally all analog but have been all digital since college days about 1980.  My Technics turntable with a Shure cartridge, along with my entire album collection, were stolen around that time during an apartment break-in.
     I figured it was a good time to switch to the new CD playback format and start enjoying "perfect sound forever". Of course, we all quickly discovered this marketing slogan wasn’t completely accurate since digital CD recordings and playback had its own set of pros and cons. Yes, it had a much lower noise floor which resulted in better perceived detail, the frequency range seemed more extended especially at the low end of the spectrum, the dynamics seemed more powerful and playback was more convenient. On the con side, however, early digital CD sounded more sterile, less warm and smooth and brighter than vinyl playback on the higher treble frequencies.
But I also believe digital CD technology and sound quality performance has improved at a faster pace than vinyl since the introduction of CDs.
     My current opinion is that you can attain exceptionally high sound quality utilizing either format but it’ll generally cost less going the digital route and it will be significantly more convenient as well, similar to an extremely high quality juke box when done correctly.
     I have a combination digital music and HT system. I use an Oppo 205 Blu-ray/universal disc player for video and 5.1 surround sound for HT and a 2 TB Synology hard drive and Lumin D2 streamer/dac for digital 2-ch music.
     But I also never really enjoyed the whole vinyl playback ritual as I know many do and you might. The primary reasons I chose to go completely digital were the current high quality of digital recordings, especially hi-res direct to digital recordings, the much improved quality of current digital playback equipment and the easily achievable next level of operational convenience inherent in its use.

Best of whishes,
80% digital growing to 100% since the acquisition of the Grimm MU1 streamer and the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. This combo is the first to have me completely fulfilled on the digital experience (a significant step up from Lumin & Denafrips gear)
100% digital. Recently found out that Apple lossless sounds as good as Tidal on my system and for half the price. Now, I can listen to 70 million songs. Problem is, I don't like 69.9 million of them. :-)  But who is counting?
Digital only sources here.

If I had money (and space) I’d consider to add a reel to reel player, though. It’s a fascinating machine.

Nothing against analog. I’d like open reel tapes had the same success as vinyls are having now to make them a little more "affordable" and to see new tape productions grow.