How many of you are digital only systems?

I currently have an all digital setup, streaming and stored digital files and ripped CD’s on my Innuos Zen mkIII via Chord Qutest to a PrimaLuna EVO 400i. I have been contemplating adding analog to my system, like a Clearaudio concept table. I am NOT hear to debate which one is better, so please don’t turn it into that, I understand the differences. How many of you are digital only? If you listen to digital as well, please tell me why. Is it because of sonic qualities or just the nostalgic reasons of spinning vinyl. I just don’t know if I want a turntable because it would be new gear to play with or if I think it has sonic qualities that I am missing with digital. I would have to buy new vinyl as I really only have a few of my albums from when I was teenager in the 80’s. Maybe I should just put the money towards upgrading digital components, even though I love my Qutest/Zen combo, I could move up in their line?? Am I missing something truly special in the audio world if I’m all digital? Thanks for your thoughts 

Showing 6 responses by lalitk

“Am I missing something truly special in the audio world if I’m all digital?”

Not at all as long as you’re streaming. Anything else, you’re limiting yourself by the number of physical media, Vinyl or CD’s you own. I would divert funds into upgrading your DAC instead of starting with mediocre analog rig. A good analog rig needs atleast $5-$7K investment plus the ongoing cost of vinyl. 
“Does streaming music require a fee?”

Yes, you pay a monthly fee. For less than a cost of a CD or Vinyl, you have access to unlimited music catalog. 

Sure there are tons of no cost streaming services….I am a firm believer in quality over quantity. That’s why I’ve chosen Qobuz streaming service which in my opinion offers the best high resolution content.
"As hard as it might be for some to accept, I don’t think analog is for everyone".

No it isn’t but the same can be said for hard core vinyl aficionados. I believe neither analog nor digital are plug n play, they both require fair amount of attention to detail.

+1, @tomcy6 

Chord Qutest is the weakest link. When digital done properly, it can be just as enjoyable as vinyl. For now enjoy your vinyl system :-)