dac reccomendation - xlr & tube optional

looking for a dac that has balanced outputs and tube(optional) ie slightly warm..

any thoughts on metronome, chord, audiologic, lector,audio aero ?


thanks for the comeback....i really appreciate it.

btw, looked into the tube technology dac and it is only rca out...
Bigkidz is correct, my Tube Technology Fusion CD64 player uses the Chord 64 bit WTA Dac married to an all discrete tubed analog output stage. It's by far the best cd player I've ever owned. Also it has BNC digital ins and outs so it can be used as a dac or transport.
the fusion is really nice... that is by far the most impressive digital source i have heard to date ( there is a "rightness")...

i am really bummed the tt fusion dac doesnt have xlr outputs..