To horn or not to horn

I have never owned a horn speaker. I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?
I have Heresy’s and Quartet’s- both modified with dampening material on all the horns. Don’t see myself ever selling the Quartet’s- they are really great paired with a tube front end and ss amp. Raised up about 14 or so inches I truly enjoy them and so do the guests that marvel over a 25 ish year old speaker. I also have Thiel, Ohms, Vandersteens, B&Ws, NHT, older Advent, Bose 901 series 1,  all have a place but the Quartets I listen to most. 

i went to Deja Vu in San Diego as part of my horn speakers search and even had them provide me a few designs.  I liked them but super happy with my Viking Acoustic Grande Voix's
I have been to Deja Vu (Virginia) twice in the past. The first time I bought a preamp and the second time a pair of used Reference 3a Grand Veenas. They were always helpful and courteous. And of course they had the good stuff in every room.
