To horn or not to horn

I have never owned a horn speaker. I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?

Showing 6 responses by ozzy62

Whenever someone says as an absolute that all horns are "honky", "bright", "forward", etc. I usually discount any opinion they have after that. Horns can be all of that or none of that. But so can many other designs. With care in system choices and room treatments, horns can be very, very good.


since none of the lovers over there can even hear this, lol.

Nor should they be able to hear this. I have owned 4 pairs of horns and none have exhibited this trait.


I am so glad that i took the horn plunge in 2008 because they are truly amazing on the reproduction of any kind or type of music but you have to get one made prior to 1965 to truly hear a good one.

1965 you say? No good ones after that you say?

Well I say I’m sitting here listening to a pair manufacturerd in 2020 and they sound sublime.
I have been to Deja Vu (Virginia) twice in the past. The first time I bought a preamp and the second time a pair of used Reference 3a Grand Veenas. They were always helpful and courteous. And of course they had the good stuff in every room.


Of mainstream horns, Klipsch are the worst and to me are unlistenable without mods

Bet you haven't heard any lately..........