13th Note HiFi Review of Network Streamers

Simon Price of 13th Note HiFi Reviews just did a great video where he reviews all the major music streamers.


Worth watching...
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I love the OpticalRendu. I have recommended this to so many people. 

When I first hooked it to my DAC the improvement in sound was so great that I bought a second opticalRendu immediately for my second DAC.

I have a music network setup that I imagine is incredibly noisy. Yet my streaming sounds incredible. My setup is as follows:

1) A cheap Dell Server in a far away room running ROON Server
2) A PowerLine network to extend my Ethernet network. My ROON Server machine connected to the PowrLine network
3) Ubiquiti Network Switch with 2 SFP cages near my DACs
4) Sonore OpticalRendu for ROON Only. Takes the Fibre and converts to USB which goes to my DAC.

I also have a microRendu and use that on a system for my 5 year old son in his play room. He says the microRendu has a bigger soundstage and blacker background.

Sorry but I did not watch the video.  I agree it would have been nice to list all the "major music streamers" for everyone.  Curious about what streamers were included.  Rather spend the time listening to music than watching a video.  I am currently using Wolf Audio Alpha 3 SX and enjoy it.  Did not need to do any shoot out comparisons.  It just sounded great in my system when demo'd.
That’s fine for lower grade  products , there are a Ton far better 
small green computer I don’t rate that as good ,good low budget .

Also, as I pointed out, the digital output of the Sonore is limited to USB, whereas the digital outputs of the Bricasti M5 (and Auralic) are robust and don’t restrict one’s choice of DAC. That was my primary point.

Sonore offers the ultraDigital as an addon to the opticalRendu. This give you a SPDIF output and most importantly an i2s output. Very few network players that I have see have an i2s output.

i2s is the best input on many DACs.