Chord amplifier making weird noise (?)

I have a Chord SPM1200E 2 channel amplifier. Absolutely love it.
Since our recent move to Florida, it seems to have possibly developed an issue.
I think it is the amp, but not 100% sure.
I can't think of any other reason of what's happening, is happening.
1) The amp makes  a periodic low "cuffing sound" that comes through my speakers.
2) After it has played from anywhere  between 2-3 minutes to 30+,  it will make a high pitch distorted squeal, almost sounding like if you filled a balloon with air, then let the air out while squeezing the bladder , but much louder and distorted.
Again, the sound is coming through the speakers.
It is loud enough that I could seeing it possibly damaging my speakers.
The amp is currently disconnected
I can't think of any reason why this is happening.
It's very frustrating.
Before sending it in for possible  service, Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  
If I disconnect the inputs and it doesn’t make the noise, that should indicate that it’s not the amp, correct? Any chance it could be an RCA input?
I hooked up a Parasound amp and had no issues. 
Have you contacted the manufacturer? You can test away but if uncertain what you are doing, might be best to get it tested/serviced.