Teres Audio motor help!

So... I am trying to unmothball my turntable. Teres model 245 w/ older motor with battery power. In the process, have discovered that the speed control is haywire. Powering up results in extreme speeds and never “settles down” Don’t know if the sensor is bad, chip malfunction, or just time to get a new drive. Problem is I can’t get in touch with Chris Brady, who is the Teres guy. I think I have the correct email, but no response. Anybody out there in Audiogon land able to help? With contacting Chris, repairing the motor, or recommending a suitable replacement? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your suggestion is appreciated, leek! I’ll reach out to him. Meanwhile, any response is appreciated.
I've got one of the battery powered motor pods, with controller, exactly what you need. The motor is currently mounted in a larger mount that I made out of carbon fiber and padauk, I think it is, exotic hardwood. But I have the original black aluminum motor pod as well. Not the sensor, that I was unable to remove from my BDR plinth. But it sounds like you have a sensor, and the problem is the motor/controller.  

You are welcome to mine for not a lot more than shipping charges. PM if you're interested.
If the controller led stay red and can’t turn to green, first thing to check is the spindle shaft oil well, clean up the old oil and put in automatic transmission fluid for the bearing.