Interesting thought

Was reading a post on older men only enjoying the hobby of hifi audio and had a thought. I think part of the reason may be younger people have little to no exposure to hi end audio. So my thought is what if it was introduced to a bar setting. I’m not talking an extreme 2 channel system but a bar that advertises a higher end music system. I’m thinking it may attract some younger men and may stimulate an interest in the products. 

I think with technology today a great sound system could be installed with room treatments to provide a pleasant audio experience. 
Maybe this will be the birth of the hifi bar. Interest if any bar owners have a comment.

Maybe with a nice choice of bourbon. 
Just invite more younger folks (family members..friends with younger kids) over to hear your system.  Play their music.  Don't push the equipment...let them ask and keep it simple.
I have played listening sessions at places like this all over the world. It’s certainly not a new nor novel idea.

Shelter, Tokyo
Bar Bridge, Tokyo
Brilliant Corners, London
Giant Steps, London
Spiritland, London
Hosoi, Stockholm
Potato Head, Hong Kong
Dynamic Range, Amsterdam
Jazz Blues Soul, Tokyo

Here’s a friend’s photo diary of some of them in Japan:

At Shelter, all the people basically lied on the floor and watched a light show on the ceiling while I played trippy Jazz and ethereal music. System was JBL Everest, Accuphase, room treatments were exquisite. It’s my longtime favorite.

Aside from “bars” there is the obvious one, The Loft that began in 1969 and still goes on today (RIP David Mancuso) - he used a 4 corner Klipschorn set-up with Levinson amps, Mitch Cotter B1 turntables, Fidelity Research arms snd Koetsu styli. 
One way NOT to encourage people about audio is to send them over to millercarbons house!  lighten up Francis!!
I really appreciate the OPs spirit of wanting to introduce young people to great sound, and putting out an idea to consider.

My Insta-Tik Tok loving teenage daughter and her friends are fascinated by my record player. Whenever she has friends over I make it a point to put something on they’ll like, and CRANK it. Dr. Crankenstein!

A couple weeks ago my daughter asked for a turntable for her birthday, and her friends are bugging their parents for turntables. Yes they like the retro cool thing, but they LOVE the sound. You should see these girls drop their cell phones and sit perfectly still for 30 minutes, unprompted, listening to DSOTM, D2D Vivaldi Four Seasons, Arcade Fire, and weird Afro Beat stuff. It’s a joy.

On the bar idea, what comes to mind is Dim making farting noises at the woman in the Korova Milk Bar after her pure moment of the old Ludwig Van. I can imagine endless variations of that scene if someone tried to make a general-use bar into a high end listening space. And we all know how that turned out!

A dedicated listening bar could work but might be very tough to market and draw a crowd. And, if I’m going somewhere to explicitly listen, then I (and I think most people) would prefer to hear live music. Otherwise I’d think in a general use bar setting the music is more about atmosphere and maybe dancing, and isn’t really the main focus of the whole bar experience.

I mean, what’s not to love about a massive Peavey PA amp and some rockin QSC monitors?!
In  Cambridge in the UK the Mill pub last year always had a 60s/ 70s stereograph (?) (didn't recognise the make but the SQ was very good and I think it had an Audio Technica cart) playing vinyl all day- there was a stack in the unit and the staff would keep it fed- great choice of tunes as well- I don't think many people appreciated it for me sitting there with a beautifully kept pint sitting next to it looking out over the river was close to perfection.