Looking for a cd player that plays nice with classical orchestra.

Looking for a new cd player that loves classical- not analytical-leans towards "euphonic"[ whoops! did I say a bad word?] Vanalstine tube preamp,Vanalstine solid state[225++ per side} amp, Maggie 1.7i s. No streaming, no bluetooth.Thanks.


You contributed a great deal of relevant information in that particular thread. Thank You! It appears that imgoodwithtools fell off of the radar?

Happy Listening!
Getting Yamaha CDs1000 through Amazon. Reviews have comments similar to those for the Mohican. $1299 much more comfortable than $5000 for an open box about to be discontinued player. AND......"free returns on Amazon! To be delivered Sunday..
yamaha good with jazz- AWFULwith Mahler. it's going back. looking at Musical Fidelity m6scd [ the discontinued m6cd supposed to be nice with violins }  Also looking at Bryston bcd-3.
My next will likely be the Technics SLG 700, which is balanced and plays SACDs $3K