Question regarding pre-amp and amp

Hello everyone,
I recently bought Don Sachs pre-amp and have a solid state amp. While switching off the preamp it gives a huge sound if the amp is on. I checked with Don and as per him I should switch off the amp before I switch of preamp and switch on the preamp before switching on the amp. The solid state amp has a switch at the back and I don’t think it’s made to switch on and off on a regular basis. How is this normally managed? I am sure tube preamp will need to be switched off and few of you might have this issue.

Appreciate your inputs. Thank you!
They don't put the switch on the back to discourage use, they put it on the back to be close to AC in and the power supply. You can turn it on and off all you want. If you go the power strip route you are running the power for your amp that you presumably paid a lot of money to get great sound quality, through an extra crappy switch and power strip. Fine if all you care about is convenience. First Audiophile Commandment: Know Thyself.
Many preamps have a soft on to prevent this. Unfortunately, as inconvenient as it is you’ll probably need to use the switch.