Leaky capacitors need replacement?

These need to be replaced, don't they?  

Yeah, you're probably right....  I'll check around locally.  I'm not sure anyone actually does gadget repair here anymore that isn't just iPhone battery replacement.  If not I'll have to ship it off and listen to my old stereo again for a while.  Blech.

Anyone want to put out a shout for a great tech just in case I have to ship?
Also, I need an axial version of that Nichicon and mouser has gone mental it seems.  I keep getting 403 errors.  Deny me will you... 

9,377 posts
04-25-2021 2:15pm
Are you saying to replace the electrolytics with new electrolytics or use something else? These are right off the AC mains between the IEC plug and the rest of the amp.
These parts are being used in the DC Blocker inside the amp.

They should be replaced with the same value and voltage. @timlub has mentioned some nice quality parts to replace yours, which have a tendency to do this long before their time.

I am not sure what amp this is inside, but the ripple current rating seems a bit low for a power amplifier.

If this is a DC blocker, I question whether the lowest impedance capacitor is the best choice. That means more high frequency noise is passed through.  Thoughts?