Connecting a streamer via an Ethernet cable

Is there a noticeable difference connecting a streamer directly to an External cable as opposed to WiFi? The reason I ask, is that doing so with my situation would require a fair amount of effort. But if it’s worth it, I’m willing to do it. Thanks.
My perspective is from 35 years in IT. In the early days of WiFi it was hit and miss, and wired = reliable. WiFi has evolved considerably and if one invests in the latest tech, previous issues like dropouts and latency should be a non issue.

If wired is "easy" go for it, but in most scenarios WiFi should suffice. If the tech is on point there will be no audible difference but if you have the funds to hardwire everything, go for it.  Please let us know how you progress with all your mobile devices. 
Lots of depends in the way to the answer. Short answer is hard connection is always better, but if your streamer is enter level you will not hear any difference. 
When I was using WiFi, I had a lot of problems with the BluOS app losing connection to the streamer in my main system.  (I'm sure this was a Wi-Fi problem.)  Since I hard-wired, I have had no connection problems.  In my room with my second system, the WiFi isn't great so hard-wiring has made a world of difference.  

I have compared WiFi with a short ethernet lead direct from a mesh extender and ethernet over mains -(a plug adaptor sits in mains circuit and a short ethernet lead goes into back of streamer)

A big jump in quality from WiFi to either of the ethernet options, no interruptions and quality of streaming improved. That said this WiFi streaming was always from a phone - I imagine a dedicated device like ipad/laptop just for hifi may improve this.

Some of my stored music is hi res and the differance between that and streamers like tidal masters still gives edge to stored material... Just my thought