How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.
Usually in the mid/low 70's as understandable conversation can take place while the music is playing.

However, when I have  a migraine I sometimes listen @ much  louder levels when laying down on the sofa with the lights out.

Being in bed/dark quiet room with a migraine is the stupidest advice I've yet received from experts in the field as a distraction works wonders/sans major pain killers.

My distraction is music, which is often Motzart and/or The Who's Quadrophenia.

I'm glad this came up.  I also had way too much fun with concerts and race cars when younger, so some tinnitus is definitely a reality.  For kicks this past weekend I downloaded the free NIOSH sound level app and turned it on with zero effort to calibrate or likely even point mic properly.  Bottom line is a good Saturday night jam session averaged 65-72db with 1-2 occasional peaks more like 78-80.  

Curious if anyone has consulted physicians about this early google info says those numbers shouldn't do much harm but come Sunday I'm not sure I agree.  
50 to 65 ---which is really quiet compared to most!
But doesn't it depend on the ambient noise in the room?  E.g., I most likely listen louder in the car because the noise floor is much higher (but honestly I've never measured the sound level while driving :-)).

The ambient noise level in my room is around 25-30 according to my handheld meter shows 30-31 (but that is because it doesn't go below 30).  Above 30 my phone and handheld meter agree within 1-2 dbl so I'm inclined to believe they are both reasonably accurate.
Some of the newest sound level charts say below 70 db is the best way to avoid hearing damage. But there are many that will say 75 db, and some will even say up to 80 db is safe for up to 8 hrs. I figure 75 db is a good medium for safe hearing and yet enjoying a pretty full sound.