Soft, smooth organic SS integrated amps?

Aside from the Sugden A21 series, what other more "budget" solid state amps (under $2K new or used) in your experience with at least 25 wpc manufactured within 20 years offer a really smooth, organic sound? I don't want to go the tubes route again. I'm thinking Heed, Arcam (at least the older, pre class G era)? What else in your experience?
+1 for McCormack - great value, and if you need it Steve is still refurbishing them. 
Hegel has to be your best bet. 
If you could spend more the Lejonklou 
40wpc integrated at $4k would be my choice.
But that doubles your budget. Get a used Hegel
Hegel has to be your best bet. 
If you could spend more the Lejonklou 
40wpc integrated at $4k would be my choice.
But that doubles your budget. Get a used Hegel