Replacement Motor for a Vintage Thorens TD 160 Turntable

My son owns a vintage Thorens TD 160 Turntable.  The platter is slipping on start-up an on play.  My son has isolated the problem to the motor.  Any suggestions on where to source a replacement motor?? Thanks
Try this place: 
KAB Electro Acoustics
Preserving The Sounds Of A Lifetime
P.O.Box 2922
Plainfield, NJ 07062
908-754-1479 Phone
908-222-3442 Fax

It would help if your son could post the symptoms (in detail) and what he has checked so far here.

Having owned every version of the 160 except the Super "motor slipping" doesn't ring a bell.

Has he checked the larger capacitor?

To answer your OP there are motors currently available on eBay in the $250-$300 range (supposedly NOS, but no guarantee).

Thanks guys.  

Dekay, ... large cap. uuuhm.  That could be a possibility.  If the cap jump starts the motor, that could be the culprit. My son says that the problem occurs on start up.  He told me that he has to give the platter a push to get it started. 

Let me get more detailed info and I will post it.  Replacing a spent cap is a much better ... and cheaper ... solution than replacing the motor.


Many motors use a cap for the extra voltage required to get going. The value is often printed right on them. Pull the cap, measure capacitance, if it is out of spec you get off cheap. This totally fits the observation. Fingers crossed!
I had  a 160 that either would not start and/or it would start in reverse direction.

I was told it was one of the caps by a friend, but I simply gave the platter as spin in the right direction when powering it on and used it that way for 3-4 years without a problem.

I don't recall which cap it was only that one was tiny like .1 or .047 and the other one was in the 30-50 range.

To this day (I sold that particular 160 in 1986) I still have a habit of giving the platter a little nudge, even though it's not needed.

Currently have a TD125II.
